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Exchange of knowledge and flavors of the peasant, family, and community agriculture from Nariño

Exchange of knowledge and flavors of the peasant, family, and community agriculture from Nariño

Pasto, Nariño. June 13, 2023. During the month of May, a series of workdays were held to exchange knowledge and flavors of the peasant, family, and community agriculture in Nariño, whose objective was to sensitize consumers about the importance of healthy eating, raise awareness about the need to support producers and consume locally, in addition to positioning the organizations that are part of the project so they can disclose their products and establish relationships with their consumers.

The first workday was held at the Obonuco Research Center of AGROSAVIA and included the participation of the organization "Corazón de María" from the corregimiento [township] of Gualmatán (Pasto-Nariño). It was held on Monday, May 15. Subsequently, on Saturday, May 20, an equivalent event was held in the municipality of Guachucal, within the framework of the Guachucal Community Market, with the support of SENA and Universidad Mariana.

Finally, on May 25, an event from the Nutrition and Dietetics program with the support of the academic community of Universidad Mariana was held, joining forces with the project team to talk about topics such as responsible production and consumption, food innovation for the development of healthy products, experiences in agroecological production of the organization "La Tulpa," experiences in digital education for the commercialization of agroecological products and the main results of the peasant, family, and community agriculture project.

These workdays were held within the framework of the project "Strengthening capacities for innovation in family and community peasant agriculture, aimed at improving the lifestyles of the vulnerable population in the face of the impacts of Covid 19 in the central subregion of the department of Nariño" executed by AGROSAVIA with the support of PARQUESOFT and Universidad de Nariño and financed with resources from the General System of Royalties.





  • More information here:
  • Alcira Delgado Sánchez
  • Communications, Identity and Corporate Relations Professional
  • Research Center Obonuco
  • Communications, Identity and Corporate Relations Advisory Office