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Technical exchange tour in the cashew value chain: Colombia - Brazil

Technical exchange tour in the cashew value chain: Colombia - Brazil

Villavicencio. Meta. May 7, 2024. Under the project “Low Carbon Cashew Agroecosystems” financed by Proyecto Biocarbono Orinoquia [Orinoquia Biocarbon Project], a group of producers, representatives of the Secretariat of Agriculture of the Department of Vichada, Biocarbono officials, and researchers from AGROSAVIA and WCS, carried out a technical exchange tour in the largest cashew production area in Brazil, located in Fortaleza in the State of Ceará. From April 22 to 26, this delegation visited the Tropical Agroindustry Research Center of the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation – EMBRAPA and two leading cashew products marketing companies.

The experience aimed to share knowledge and research results, recommendations, and practical testimonies in this agroindustrial system. During the first days, activities took place at the EMBRAPA Tropical Agroindustry Research Center and the Pacajus Experimental Center. The main topics discussed were related to the collection and conservation of genetic materials, crop management, climate information management, processing processes for the comprehensive use of different products, and their environmental performance. In addition, topics related to the diversification of cashew agroecosystems and market aspects. The tour also provided the opportunity to learn about two business developments in the cashew value chain. The first was focused on producing and marketing organic almond and cashew butter, as well as innovative by-products such as nutshells as an energy source, nutshell oil, and almond coating for animal feed. The second specialized in producing and marketing cajuina, juice, and cashew concentrate.

This exchange not only enriches knowledge and complements the processes carried out in the project but also allows the integration of new management elements in low-carbon cashew agroecosystems. With a new perspective and an expanded network of international collaborators, participants return to Colombia to continue working on sustainable development in the region.





  • More information here:
  • Darlin Conrado Mosquera
  • Communications, Identity and Corporate Relations Professional
  • Research Center La Libertad
  • Communications, Identity and Corporate Relations Advisory Office